Fellowship opportunities
Fellowship programs are announced by Universities, Governments, Research Institutes, NGOs, Hospitals, Foundations, Libraries, and other relevant bodies, with a primary aim to serve the Science and Humanities.
Fellowships establish long-lasting academic links between research-oriented individuals and Institutions.
Below are listed some of the most known fellowship. We will update this fellowship list regularly.
Fellowships in the United States
Congressional Fellowships on Women and Public Policy
Individual Research Fellowships, Davis Center, Harvard
Fellowships at the United States Institute of Peace
Maurice R. Greenberg Yale World Fellows Program
Princeton Society of Fellows Fellowships
Fung Global Fellows Program at Princeton
Next Generation Leaders Program, McCain Institute
National Endowment for Democracy Fellowships
International Center for Journalists Fellowships
John S. Knight Journalism Fellowships at Stanford
Nieman Visiting Fellowships at Harvard
Knight-Bagehot Fellowship in Journalism, Columbia University
Knight-Wallace Fellowships for Journalists, University of Michigan
Getty Pre- and Postdoctoral Fellowships
Internships and Fellowships, Library of Congress
Library of Congress Kluge Fellowships
National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program
National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowships
A fellowship grants a certain amount of money to the fellowship holder, which may be equal to a professor's salary in the US University or more.
Still, many international fellowships never provide money allowances and only grant the status. The difference between scholarship and fellowship is that without any financial aid, the fellowship may only offer some facilities of the particular university, i.e., library card, desk at the department, entrance to private meetings, etc., whereas scholarships always provide financial aid. Nevertheless, the main international and national fellowships also offer full financial aid, cover all research-related costs, and only in rare cases offer only a status.
Fellowships are becoming more required during doctoral and postdoctoral studies. There are very few undergraduate fellowships because the term would not be relevant for the undergraduate level. Fellowship may be considered a higher and more prestigious scholarship version, which grants money and a certain level of recognition.
Fully funded fellowships for international students and researchers are available regularly, and it is the duty of each applicant to find the best opportunities published online. Fellowship opportunities are scattered in the World Wide Web, and sometimes it may not be easy to find the relevant ones.
Grants and fellowships are first of all provided by national Governments or Governmental bodies, such as Ministries and State agencies, so it will be wise to regularly check the websites of mentioned bodies. Every year new postdoctoral fellowships are provided by Universities and Institutes across the globe. Many UK fellowships may be found online and are published mainly on UK University websites. The interesting point here is that famous UK Universities such as Cambridge and Oxford are divided into several colleges, so each one may also announce its own college fellowship.
In their turn, US fellowships are disseminated widely via online resources and mailing lists informing readers about University fellowships at Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Stanford, or Berkeley.
There are hundreds of fellowships for junior faculty and curriculum development in the U.S.
Aspirants may also apply for congressional fellowships in different countries and spend several months as an assistant to one of the congress, parliament, or Bundestag members.
Summer research fellowships are a fantastic opportunity for scientists to work and relax. During these summer fellowship programs, participants may consult world-famous scholars and scientists and work on their dissertations.
About ARMACAD fellowship database possibilities
Armacad.info website demonstrates different tools to easily search and find international fellowship programs and save such findings on a personal dashboard.
Each ARMACAD subscriber can filter search results according to interests and needs. Law fellowships in different countries or dissertation completion fellowships are easily searchable and findable on armacad.info. The easiest way to find a fellowship on ARMACAD is to filter all announcements according to discipline. For example, all Medicine fellowships are available under the "medicine" tag. If you look for "journalism fellowships," just press journalism, and all valid announcements in the fellowships' tab will open immediately. ARMACAD fellowship database is the best place to look for fellowships for students and researchers and even for undergraduate fellowships, difficult to find.